Why Flipwit?
Several educational institutions nowadays try to foster understanding without considering how the brain learns. Average attention span on humans is not longer than 20 minutes in a passive way. In addition, there is scientific evidence of the role of emotions in learning. So, is it essential to cast boredom from classrooms to improve learning. These two factors have serious consequences on the academic level of institutions and countries. For instance, we can analyse the results of the global education survey by the OCDE (Program for international student Assessment , PISA). The program is testing every three years the performance of 15 year olds in key areas, showing which countries have reached a good performance and the ones that still have a long way to reach excellence.
The global survey also analyzes several educational indicators, including motivation for learning, self awareness and learning strategies. The results show that in most cases low performance is caused by poor instructional models which are related with lack of motivation and liable to harm the academic development.
Flipwit consider to tackle this situation from a innovate approach, through interactive tools that improve the collaboration and retention of information in the classroom. Flipwit aim to improve the learning process through the interaction of teachers and students and the use of educational games in real time from their mobile devices (mobile phones, tablets and laptops) to bring emotion to the education of people.
Our software intends to bring energy to presentations not just in classrooms but also in any educational situation. Considering that an adult attention span is about 15 and 20 minutes, it is essential to create interaction to foster communication and transmit the gross of the message. Flipwit includes that property, allowing students to participate in real time through interactive games which keep them focus and generate dynamic debates and the participation of the whole class.
In addition, a study related with the use of answering systems [3], have shown their benefits making students to enjoy the classes and be more connected to the contents. Furthermore, there is scientific evidence [4] of emotion being essential during the learning process; pointing out that topics that stand out from the media and generate emotions can be more easily retained and consequently learned. So, fostering interaction with students through an application have an substantial potential as a mean to include emotion in learning.
In that sense, Flipwit gives the lecturer the chance to add interaction and trigger emotions through different games and integrated tools; making our software the first application on the market to innovate with this kind of features applied to learning.
Connecting technology and education not only improves scope but also set a milestone in learning; because it tackles the student individual needs through personalization and interaction. It creates a new framework, fostering collaborative learning and mostly offering a creative and flexible methodology which get closer to diversity and the real educational needs of individuals [5].
[1] PISA, B. (2017). Buenas y malas noticias para Colombia en pruebas PISA | ELESPECTADOR.COM. [online] ELESPECTADOR.COM. Available at: http://www.elespectador.com/noticias/educacion/buenas-y-malas-noticias-colombia-pruebas-pisa-articulo-669148.
[2] http://citl.indiana.edu/files/pdf/middendorf_kalish_1996.pdf
[3] https://www.asee.org/public/conferences/32/papers/8854/download
[4] https://autoconocimientointegral.com/2015/07/04/la-neurociencia-demuestra-que-el-elemento-esencial-en-el-aprendizaje-es-la-emocion/
[5] http://www.iseamcc.net/eISEA/Vigilancia_tecnologica/informe_4.pdf.
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